Photopea says I am blocking ads, but I am not
Did you turn off your ad blockers for Photopea, but it still says you are blocking ads? Look at the possible reasons below.
Your adblocker is lying to you
Are you using AdBlock or AdBlock Plus and you turned it off for Photopea? We found out that these extensions are lying to their users about being turned off (they still block some domains). You can switch to to Ghostery Tracker or uBlock Origin. If you tell them to stop blocking ads on a website, they actually stop it.
You can also tell Google Chrome to turn off an extension on a specific website (works for any ad blocker). Right-click the ad blocker and choose This can read and change site data - When you click the Extension.
Other ad blocking extensions
You could have extensions, which break our ads, but do not contain "ad" or "block" in their name. E.g. I don't care about cookies blocks the ad consent dialog, which prevents our ads from running.
Press the "puzzle piece icon" in your browser to see, what extensions have your permission to see and change information on the site (in other words, they can modify a website in any way they want). Try to disable some of them.

Strict tracking prevention in MS Edge
If you enable the "Strict" mode under "Tracking prevention" in MS Edge, it basically blocks a website from loading any content (including ads) from other domains. Go to edge://settings/privacy
and set it to "Basic" or "Balanced" instead.

Strict Browser Privacy in Firefox
If you enable "Strict - Stronger protection, but may cause some sites or content to break" in Firefox, it seems to be blocking ads. You can turn it off by going to about:preferences#privacy

Brave Browser
The Brave browser displays ads in Photopea only when you put down the shields. Click the orange "lion icon" to put the shields down.
Countries under sanctions
Are you in Syria, Cuba, Iran, Russia or North Korea? Our ad provider does not do business in these countries, we recommend you to try using a VPN.
Site-blocking software
You have a special software in your computer, which decides, what pages you should or should not access. E.g. Safing Portmaster, Pi-hole, or some antivirus software.